14 warning signs your blood sugar level is too high

14 warning signs your blood sugar level is too high

Diabetes is not the only affected by high sugar level in their blood, or hyperglycemia. In fact, everyone is susceptible to it after consuming certain aliments, especially the ones rich in carbohydrates and refine sugar.

When the glucose level is high for a long time in the blood, it can cause serious health complications.

14 warning signs your blood sugar level is too high
Causes of blood glucose levels
It exist many factor which can cause the symptoms of high blood sugar. For examples:
- Poor diet
- Stress
- Inactivity
- Certain medications
- Some health issue

Below are 14 signs that your blood glucose level is too high than it should be:
- Dry mouth
- Feeling of intense thirst
- Urinating during the night
- Always feeling hungry
- Constant fatigue
- Dry and itchy skin
- Gaining weight and excess of belly fat
- Unable to concentrate
- Blurred vision
- recurrent infections
- Stomach ache
- Nerves problems
- Slow healing of wounds and cuts
- Impotence

If you experience any of the below, it’s probable that your blood sugar level is too high. Our recommendation is to see a specialist as soon as possible.


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